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Forklift divided into two types based on the machine used.
  1. Engine Forklift that use a conventional engine as same as car engines (generally, 4-stroke engine).
  2. Electric Forklift that use an electric motor (using electric power form the battery)
This post is about the Engine Forklift, for the Electric Forklift will be discussed in the next post.

Engine forklift in general is a conventional  4-stroke engine, just like a car engine. There are three kinds of engines commonly used based on the type of fuel used, Diesel Engine with diesel fuel, Otto Engine with gasoline fuel and LPG Engine with LPG as a fuel.

Diesel Engine
Mitsubishi FD-30_Diesel Engine
How diesel engines work's slightly different from the other engines on the method of combustion. On diesel engines (direct injection), diesel fuel is injected into the combustion chamber which already contains high pressure air when the piston moves upward (compression stroke). Inside the combustion chamber, a mixture of diesel fuel with hot air causes combustion. This is called self-ignition, because it doesn't need spark plugs to work. On Indirect-Injection, they used glow plugs to heat the combustion chamber, and only when started the engine.

diesel engine on forklift

Otto Engine
Toyota 5FGL15_Gasoline Engine / Otto Engine

Otto Engine designed to use gasoline or similar. Needed spark plugs for the combustion process. Air and fuel are mixed in the carburetor or injection system before entering the combustion chamber. 

Otto Engine on forklift

LPG Engine
Mitsubishi FG15-35N_LPG Engine

As well as otto engines, LPG engine also need spark plugs for the combustion process. It's only differ in the carburetor system, which must always be tightly sealed to prevent leakage of gas. 

LPG Engine on Forklift

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